
Юбилей ГИИ - Приветствие Президента Европейской ассоциации Фестивалей, Художественного руководителя Фестиваля в Любляне Дарко Брлека (Словения)

Dear Mrs. Sipovskaya,

Allow me to express my admiration to respectable State Institute of Art Science and its long tradition that has continued throughout many turbulent periods. Its researches and enlightenment process had an important impact on generations of scientists who continued to spread the spirit and the values of the institution to the society. With their knowledge and dedication they made a great contribution to their profession and to the development of the society as well.

I wish that the State Institute of Art Science will follow its mission and continue its great work with a lot of success also in the future.

Best regards, Darko Brlek 
General and Artistic Director of the Ljubljana Festival 
President of the European Festivals Association